10 Reasons why you should Study Iconography

Why the Study of Iconography is so Important & Why you should Consider Learning More about Icons

The study of iconography has been life changing for me. The following is a fairly comprehensive list of why the study of iconography has such a great impact on the lives of students, theologians, and patrons.

  1. Studying Iconography will deepen your understanding of the Holy Scripture and Theology
  2. Painting icons will improve your prayer life and bring you closer to God.
  3. Iconography will connect you with the historical church, and the Holy Mothers and Fathers of the ancient faith.
  4. By painting icons you will gain a profound appreciation of aesthetic beauty.
  5. Painting Icons is evangelical.
  6. Iconography will deepen your own spiritual life.
  7. Painting icons will help you see the image of God in others.
  8. Icons bring us to repentance.
  9. Painting icons creates community.

Icon painting is a joy.

In addition to the ten reasons given to study iconography, I would like to add one more:

Icons remind us of the reality of heaven and the transfiguration. 
Through Christ’s incarnation, death, and resurrection, Paradise has been opened to all. We have received the invitation to the Divine Wedding Feast, the Heavenly Banquet, and been given a festal robe to put on. Heaven is open to all and the garment of salvation has been given to us now; all we need to do is put it on and knock, and we shall be granted access. In Orthodox Theology, we believe that we are already living the victorious life in Christ and have already been granted access to our spiritual inheritance. Icons show us this reality. They depict men and women who have been transfigured and have received their crowns. The study of iconography helps to remind us of this glorious inheritance. Iconography shows us men and women just like us, in their transfigured states, as citizens of Paradise.

To learn more about the study of iconography, and to take a class or workshop, visit the Academy of Sacred Art

Trinity Arts Festival Icons
Study of Iconography

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